Soles4Souls: Capstone Project
On October 20th, Makenna Mellon, a senior in the Leadership and International Relation Center at James River High School started her collection of gently used and new shoes through the non-profit organization, Soles4Souls. Soles4Souls is a non-profit social enterprise that creates sustainable jobs and provides relief through the distribution of shoes and clothing around the world. The collection involved reaching out to local businesses, schools, and friends. She was able to collect over 2,000 pairs of shoes. These shoes will go to 3rd world countries while providing resources, jobs, and most of all shoes for adults and children, just like us. Makenna was able to provide food, shelter, and education to 34 families for a full month.
On January 11th, she hosted an educational banquet where Makenna invited everyone who had donated to her Capstone to attend and learn about their impact through Soles4Souls. Overall, this Capstone allowed the community to get together and see how easy it can be to help impact our world in a positive way.