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Internship Update

With the start of the new semester, seniors in the Leadership and International Relations center are beginning their internships. As a part of this program’s curriculum, the internships come from a wide variety of topics and career paths. They are such a valuable experience which help prep these students for their journey beyond high school. Here are the experiences of a few Seniors who are taking part in the internships currently:

Max Siemers: I am doing my internship at the pediatric unit in Tuckahoe Orthopedics. During my internship, I shadow the doctor that is in the office that day. A typical day would be for us to consult with various patients, such as a follow-up appointment or a pre-surgery appointment. Since my internship is in the medical field, I don’t actually do much with hands on operations. However, it is fascinating to look at things like the x-ray of a hand, and to see the tiny little fracture that can cause someone so much pain. I have about 16 hours so far in my internship, and I am really loving it at Tuckahoe Orthopedics. Even though I see recurring injuries and illnesses, every time I go there is something new to learn and discover about orthopedic medicine.

Libby Larro: I am interning with the Outreach department at my church, HOPE Church. I’ve been working on updating the data of our outreach partners (the non profits we partner with), and I’ve helped plan some events at church! This week we had a showing of a documentary called Nefarious: Merchant of Souls, which was about human trafficking and what we can do to help out victims. The event was extremely successful and fun. I can’t wait to continue with this internship and see where it takes me!

Jacob Ivey: I am interning with West Rock, a paper packaging company, at their Richmond location. So far, I have experienced multiple labs and helped run a few tests. I love this internship because it has shown me how much effort is put into packaging, as well as how detailed other companies are about the packaging of their products. It has also opened me up to a possible career after college in chemical engineering. I am so thankful for this opportunity and can’t wait for what it brings next!

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